Edited by Ecto5, Jay, Adelaide, Flickety and 1 otherPin ItArticle EditDiscussPeople in Italy place high value on on the business etiquette you practice. Proper business etiquette can be the deciding factor in whether your business thrives or fails. Whether it be a business meeting or a meeting with the workers, this guide will take you through the proper business etiquette practiced in Italy. Edit Steps
Developing Good Relations1Understand that people in Italy place high value on personal relations. It is more likely for Italian business people to trust you if they know you personally. Whenever possible, try to let someone who knows the person introduce you as this will reduce any apprehension the other person may have about you being unknown and therefore uncertain.2Spend some time developing relations. Italians prefer face-to-face contact for doing business.[1] If you are doing a lot of business with Italian organizations, it is advisable to actually visit Italy and develop your relations in person, so that they know who you are on that next Skype call or email.
3Be open. It helps if business contacts know something about you personally, perhaps little things about your family, your prior roles in life and what you like to do in your spare time. Knowing the personal details will increase trust and Italian business people are more likely to conduct business with you, increasing the chances of a more successful outcome.It is highly recommended that you divide time between socializing to get to know your Italian business partners and time for the actual business meetings. Being too personal during meetings is not appropriate; however, by knowing one another well before attending the meeting, everyone will feel a lot more comfortable. As such, try to meet them for a social occasion before sitting down to negotiations; set such hospitality up yourself, including covering its costs.
Grooming1Present a well-groomed appearance. Italians judge people by their appearance and form impressions based on how well you are dressed. No amount of wishing this weren't so will change it, so make it easy on yourself by conforming; after all, good clothes will give you confidence in a business setting, so it will help you too. Make sure you are adequately dressed up for any business occasion in which you're interacting with Italians. Some basic suggestions include:
For men: wear dark colored conservative business suits.For women: Wear conservative clothes.Accessorize yourself. Keep this simple but elegant. One expensive piece says more about you than lots of jangling cheap baubles.Wear perfect shoes in excellent condition. Shoes are something that will be noticed and will form part of the overall impression of you.
Good Conversational Approaches1Build relationships by asking personal but not probing questions. It is important that the questions are not too intrusive or do not make the other person uncomfortable. However, general questions about family, social events happening at the time and interest in hobbies are usually fairly safe things to get the interacting underway successfully.
Be conscious that if you ask something too intimate, it can backfire. Be prepared to apologize for crossing any line and always aim to be very careful when asking personal questions. Unfortunately, it's a fine balancing act that you'll just have to practice to get used to!2Don't be afraid to use gestures as well as facial expressions when proving a point. Being loud and expressive is encouraged in Italian conversational exchanges, while at the same time being careful not to be too annoying or to seem anywhere near aggressive. Think passion and follow your heart when expressing your company or business interests!
Scheduling and Running Meetings1Make appointments two to three weeks in advance. Try to put any business appointment in writing (most preferably in Italian), so you have something to show if things don't work out according to plan. It is also helpful to confirm the meeting by a call, email or a fax––anything that results in reminding those attending the meeting that it's still happening.Try not to schedule meetings in August unless those meeting with you make it clear they'll be available. Many businesses are closed during these period and people are on holiday; it could be awkward if someone feels compelled to fly back to Rome just to meet with you.2Be punctual. Italian business, particularly in the northern regions, value the punctuality of others. Prompt attendance at a meeting also says a lot about your reliability and enthusiasm, so it's best to be five minutes early than five minutes late.Should those you are meeting turn up late (Italian business people outside of the northern regions are less concerned with their own punctuality than perhaps with yours[2]), do not make an issue out of it. Accept apologies and move on as if nothing untoward has happened. You can surmise whatever you want from it after the meeting but during the meeting it is best to appear unruffled and ready to make deals.3Have all printed material available in both English and Italian. This helps you colleagues; moreover, it also makes them appreciate your effort. It will help them to see that you are serious about doing business with them.4Use an interpreter if you are not fluent in Italian. This will ensure that the conversation runs more smoothly and that there are no misunderstandings. Do not rely on the ability of the other business people to speak English; that is too much of a burden for you to place upon them. It also leaves you at risk of not understanding what you really need to know.
Knowing What to Expect1Don't be aggravated if someone is loud during a meeting. It is simply a reflection of the accepted Italian way of discussing and sharing information, which includes speaking a lot and making a point loudly to ensure it is actually getting across.[1] Italian business people will be loud to be heard over others and it isn't considered rude or demeaning.
Avoid seeming too reserved or detached; a lack of enthusiasm may be interpreted by any unwillingness to engage excitedly in the discussions.[1]2Be ready for less structure than you may be used to. Italian meetings are not dominated by the agenda; indeed, there may not even be an agenda.[2] It can feel rather chaotic to you if you're used to itemizing meetings but it works for the Italians, so you need to go with the flow.Interruptions are normal, as is expecting anyone around the table to have a say in the meeting as they wish.Side conversations are commonplace, so are comings and goings.3Prepare for negotiation. Italian business people will negotiate price and delivery times. Make sure you are up to the task and will manage to get a good deal. As with any business, knowing what you want from the meeting before attending it, sets you in the best stead.
Most decisions will be based on how you present ideas rather than facts. Make sure that your delivery of ideas is perfect. If you need to practice this beforehand, then do so. And visual aids can also help, such as graphs, diagrams, photos, short films, etc. but don't make anything too formal, as that is not the Italian way.Be prepared to be persuasive. Persuading and debating are art forms in Italian culture and are considered to be part of the business dealings.[1]Add method
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Edit TipsExpect scrutiny and a feeling of distrust at first. This isn't an attempt at being offensive; it's a protective mechanism to ensure that you really will do what you say you will and that you can be trusted.Plan for the trip well in advance. That way, you won't be caught out by last minute hitches.
Edit WarningsDo not be too personal during the business meeting itself. Meetings tend to be formal, so don't try to personalize such meetings too much. Do the "getting to know one another" during social occasions instead.
Edit Related wikiHowsHow to NegotiateHow to Act Like a BusinessmanHow to Talk LoudlyHow to Practice Business Etiquette in Russia
Edit Sources and Citations↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 http://www.worldbusinessculture.com/Italian-Business-Communication-Style.html↑ 2.0 2.1 http://www.worldbusinessculture.com/Business-Meetings-in-Italy.htmlhttp://www.foreigntranslations.com/languages/italian-translation/italian-business-etiquette/ – research sourceArticle Info Featured Article
Categories: Featured Articles | Finance and Business
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Developing Good Relations1Understand that people in Italy place high value on personal relations. It is more likely for Italian business people to trust you if they know you personally. Whenever possible, try to let someone who knows the person introduce you as this will reduce any apprehension the other person may have about you being unknown and therefore uncertain.2Spend some time developing relations. Italians prefer face-to-face contact for doing business.[1] If you are doing a lot of business with Italian organizations, it is advisable to actually visit Italy and develop your relations in person, so that they know who you are on that next Skype call or email.
Grooming1Present a well-groomed appearance. Italians judge people by their appearance and form impressions based on how well you are dressed. No amount of wishing this weren't so will change it, so make it easy on yourself by conforming; after all, good clothes will give you confidence in a business setting, so it will help you too. Make sure you are adequately dressed up for any business occasion in which you're interacting with Italians. Some basic suggestions include:
Good Conversational Approaches1Build relationships by asking personal but not probing questions. It is important that the questions are not too intrusive or do not make the other person uncomfortable. However, general questions about family, social events happening at the time and interest in hobbies are usually fairly safe things to get the interacting underway successfully.
Scheduling and Running Meetings1Make appointments two to three weeks in advance. Try to put any business appointment in writing (most preferably in Italian), so you have something to show if things don't work out according to plan. It is also helpful to confirm the meeting by a call, email or a fax––anything that results in reminding those attending the meeting that it's still happening.Try not to schedule meetings in August unless those meeting with you make it clear they'll be available. Many businesses are closed during these period and people are on holiday; it could be awkward if someone feels compelled to fly back to Rome just to meet with you.2Be punctual. Italian business, particularly in the northern regions, value the punctuality of others. Prompt attendance at a meeting also says a lot about your reliability and enthusiasm, so it's best to be five minutes early than five minutes late.Should those you are meeting turn up late (Italian business people outside of the northern regions are less concerned with their own punctuality than perhaps with yours[2]), do not make an issue out of it. Accept apologies and move on as if nothing untoward has happened. You can surmise whatever you want from it after the meeting but during the meeting it is best to appear unruffled and ready to make deals.3Have all printed material available in both English and Italian. This helps you colleagues; moreover, it also makes them appreciate your effort. It will help them to see that you are serious about doing business with them.4Use an interpreter if you are not fluent in Italian. This will ensure that the conversation runs more smoothly and that there are no misunderstandings. Do not rely on the ability of the other business people to speak English; that is too much of a burden for you to place upon them. It also leaves you at risk of not understanding what you really need to know.
Knowing What to Expect1Don't be aggravated if someone is loud during a meeting. It is simply a reflection of the accepted Italian way of discussing and sharing information, which includes speaking a lot and making a point loudly to ensure it is actually getting across.[1] Italian business people will be loud to be heard over others and it isn't considered rude or demeaning.
1. Add MethodxKnow another method for How to Practice Business Etiquette in Italy? Add it here...
Edit TipsExpect scrutiny and a feeling of distrust at first. This isn't an attempt at being offensive; it's a protective mechanism to ensure that you really will do what you say you will and that you can be trusted.Plan for the trip well in advance. That way, you won't be caught out by last minute hitches.
Edit WarningsDo not be too personal during the business meeting itself. Meetings tend to be formal, so don't try to personalize such meetings too much. Do the "getting to know one another" during social occasions instead.
Edit Related wikiHowsHow to NegotiateHow to Act Like a BusinessmanHow to Talk LoudlyHow to Practice Business Etiquette in Russia
Edit Sources and Citations↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 http://www.worldbusinessculture.com/Italian-Business-Communication-Style.html↑ 2.0 2.1 http://www.worldbusinessculture.com/Business-Meetings-in-Italy.htmlhttp://www.foreigntranslations.com/languages/italian-translation/italian-business-etiquette/ – research sourceArticle Info Featured Article
Categories: Featured Articles | Finance and Business
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