Monday 23 September 2013

How to Clean Your Room

Edited by James Quirk, Jack Herrick, Krystle C., Syndi B and 426 othersPin ItArticle EditDiscussCleaning your room can be a pain and it can sometimes seem too hard to handle. Some rooms are so messy you have no idea where to start, and you have to be asked over and over again to do it. Some people are naturally good at keeping their room clean, while others have their rooms in disarray. Well, here are some helpful and fun hints, tips and games to clean your room!
Edit Steps
Part One: Make it a Game1If you're having trouble motivating yourself to clean your room, make the process interesting by playing a game. See how many things you can put away during ten minutes. Then, try to beat your "high score." Give yourself a piece of candy or five minutes of break time as a reward. For ideas, check out the list of games at the end of this article.

Part Two: Staying Motivated1Listen to songs with a fast beat. Before you start, put on an album that you enjoy singing or dancing along with. Stay away from mellow, relaxing music; choose music that motivates you rather than music that makes you tired or sad. Alternatively, you could listen to the radio.

If music doesn't help you concentrate, try listening to a book or a podcast. Be careful not to choose something that will distract you, though!Listening to natural sounds, such as waterfalls and campfires is also a good idea.2Shed some light on the situation. Open all of your curtains or blinds to let a lot of natural light in. Also consider opening the windows to give yourself some fresh air. If you're cleaning at night, turn on all of the lights. This will keep you from getting drowsy during your cleaning process.

Part Three: Organizing and Cleaning1Put everything that's on the floor away first. That way, you'll be able to get around your room without tripping over. They don't have to be neat, just put them where they belong. Start with the bigger things, like books and pillows, then move onto smaller things, like pencils and other stationary.

2Fold any clean clothes and place them in your dresser or hang them up. Anything that is dirty and needs to go in the wash, either take straight down or put them aside, best if outside your room.

3Pull everything out from under your bed and dressers. You may be surprised to find just how much junk has accumulated there, much of which is probably stuff you thought you'd lost or may have forgotten about.

Separate it into four piles: trash, stuff to giveaway, stuff to give to your siblings, (if you have any) or friends, and stuff that stays in your room. It's probably easier to make 2 piles first (what to keep and what to get rid of), and then sort the trash pile into things you can recycle etc.Also look under the rest of your furniture like desks, end tables, nightstands or bookshelves.4Go through the separate piles. Once you have your stuff separated into piles, you can start attacking each pile. Stick to attacking one pile at a time; you'll feel more satisfaction once you sort all your clothes, for example, and be motivated to continue cleaning.

Throw away the trash first. Gather the trash pile and throw it away. Consider throwing everything into a trash bag and then taking it outside rather than walking back and forth from your room to the garbage can. Don't worry about the rest of your piles yet — your focus right now should be trash and recycling.Deal with the giveaways. Put everything you want to give away/give to your siblings in a bin and leave it right outside your room. You can keep adding to these as you clean, so don't get rid of everything just yet. However, it is helpful to minimize the mess in your room by moving everything outside.Make a pile of the rest. Pile the things you want to stay in your room on your bed. This will force you to be thorough in your cleaning—when things are scattered all over the room, it's easy to ignore some of them. However, when it's sitting on your bed in a big, tall pile, it's impossible to ignore.Set any dirty clothes aside in a hamper or in a separate pile. While you're sorting, you can even draw some water for washing your clothes. By the time you've finished cleaning your room, your clothes could be washed.5Attack the bed pile. Start simply by separating different categories of things (clothes, shoes, books, etc) and putting them in their place. However, don't organize yet or you'll lose momentum. For example, put all the books where they're supposed to be, like on your bookshelf, but don't get caught up in organizing the bookshelf just yet. Continue putting everything away — stuffed animals, photographs, purses, shoes, and so on — until your bed is cleared.

Little tasks like this give you a sense of accomplishment. While it may be frustrating not to organize every single thing at first, breaking it down into smaller, more manageable tasks will give you more motivation to finish the entire job.If you find something that doesn't belong anywhere, consider giving it away, or make a place for it. A less cluttered room always feels really nice. If you need to continue using the object, ask your parents if they have room to store it elsewhere.If you find things that need to be put in another room (like dishes that belong in the kitchen), grab a laundry basket or a box for the items. When you're done putting everything away, you can take these items to the rooms they belong in. Taking the items individually to their appropriate rooms is a big waste of time.6Make your bed. Strip it bare. Take off all the bedding and use this opportunity to rotate the mattress. Flipping over your mattress will not only increase its lifespan, but it will also feel great to sleep on the under-used side. Now, get out some fresh bedding and change the sheets. If you want to before you start cleaning go shopping for brand-new bed sheets. Then, finally make your bed. An unmade bed will make your room look messy no matter how clean it actually is.

Throw your dirty sheets in the hamper or the wash. It's a good idea to do the sheets right away; this means that you can store them and use them right after your other set needs cleaning.7Deep clean. Brush all dust and cobwebs off the ceiling and floor corners. Dust off your desk, dresser, and bookshelf. Clean all surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner.

Use Windex on your mirror and window. Use a microfiber cloth if you have one so that smudge marks don't get left on the windows.Vacuum your carpet. Make sure to clean out the vacuum bag if it's close to being full. Go over the dirtiest parts of your room more than once with the vacuum. If you want, sprinkle some carpet deodorizer on the carpet before vacuuming to give your room a pleasant scent.If you don't have carpet, then sweep the floor clean with a broom. Consider mopping or using a Swiffer afterwards to get the floors looking sparkly-clean.Do not forget door knobs! If you have a ceiling fan, dust it thoroughly with a damp cloth. Spray on furniture cleaner.Clean up your desk, organize and dust as you go along. Even a simple dusting can make your desk look more inviting.8Go the extra mile. If you're feeling really ambitious, take everything out of your dresser and dust/clean the drawers too. Then, fold everything neatly and put everything back in its proper place. Then, fold or hang your clean clothes, while throwing additional dirty ones in the laundry pile.

If you're feeling artistic, you could either buy or if you have any use squares of pretty patterned fabric to wrap or fold away any unwanted clothes if you want to give them away to someone else, or use them for securing away clutter objectsIf you come across something that you haven't worn in a while, try it on. If it doesn't fit, put it in one of your give away boxes.Close all drawers and doors; make sure nothing is sticking out.9Take a break. Give yourself a bit of rest time to do something fun or get a quick snack. This break should not last longer than 5 to 10 minutes, or you may get distracted or lose motivation for cleaning your room.

10Stack your books and magazines neatly. Even those on the floor should look organized. Stack them by height, biggest on the bottom shortest on the top. Organize your bookshelf if you have one. Dust the books and the shelf surfaces with a feather duster or a moist cloth.

Make sure you make all your shelves look presentable. If you just chuck things on your shelf or desk, it's not very tidy.You can label each shelf and/or alphabetize your books. The organization system you use doesn't matter, as long as it looks tidy.11Straighten or organize anything else that needs attention. Look around your room and see if there are any spots remaining that look messy. Now is the time to untangle your jewelry, put pairs of shoes together neatly, re-arrange your picture frames, and so on. Focus on the finishing touches.

Now is the time to think of possible upgrades your room needs. Do you need a shoe rack to hang in your closet or on the back of your door? Do you need a jewelry case for all your necklaces? Do you need extra shelf- or closet-space for your clothes?12Do the finishing touches. Mop or vacuum the floor, if you haven't already. If you did, pick up any bits of trash that may have accumulated. Even if the floor isn't too dirty, cleaning it can make your room look much better. Make sure you get into the corners and edges as well.

Empty the trash. If you have any trash that has accumulated, get rid of it.Spray some air freshener or place some bags of dried lavender in your room.Take your boxes of giveaways somewhere where you won't forget to give them away.13Reward yourself! Do something you enjoy and/or relax in your clean room! Try to keep it clean for a long time afterwards.

Make sure that the next time you get something out, you put it away. Also try to make your bed every day. These are cleanly habits that will prevent you from having to clean your room as often.
Cleaning Checklist and Sample Cleaning Games
Sample Cleaning Checklist

Sample Motivational Cleaning Games

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Edit TipsMaking the bed, putting clothes in the laundry basket, and throwing away any wrappers or rubbish is a simple yet effective way to keep your room tidy!When you have a clean and tidy room you will be less stressed and more motivated to get other things done.If you have a lot of things that you cannot decide whether to trash or keep, put them in a basket on your dresser or desk. Remove things as you need them. After fifteen days, anything you have not used is probably trash.If you find your room getting messy again quickly, it might be a good idea to get rid of some of your stuff. Sell it, store it, donate it, or pitch it; scale your belongings down and make maintaining a clean room easier.Put odor spray so your room smells good, maybe some scented candles, or spray freshener.For hair clips and hair ties put them in containers and label them if you wish.Put things you use often where it is easy to get to and things that you don't use often in more hard-to-reach spots. You're more likely to put things away when you're done if it's nearby.Put away any electronics or books that may distract you from cleaning.Write down a list of all the areas, shelves, or things that need to be cleaned. Checking them off as you go will give you an extra burst of motivation. You can also set specific time limits for each item, so cleaning your room takes less time.Don't say "I'll do it later." Either you won't, or you'll have even more to clean up.If you want, you could go around your room in a circular pattern while cleaning. Start from the left side and make your way to the right.Remove the largest items first when attacking the pile. Just a few of them and you will see a big improvement. Continue with the next largest items until you are left with the little stuff like change and pencils.If you can't start cleaning, try imagining how clean your room will look afterwards.Rearrange your room. This will motivate you to clean your room.Pick up all the things from the floor that you want to keep and throw all the trash on the ground. Then make a game for yourself by quickly putting everything in a trash bag. You will feel like it took a small amount of time.If you have something that you think you might need one day, think "Have I used this in the past 6 months?" If 'No' throw it in the bin.Definitely look out for sharp objects and put them somewhere you are not going to step on them.Take it step by step; don't rush it.If you like to act, and can't seem to get motivated to clean your room, try making up a scene where your character is cleaning. You'll be surprised how fast you'll start focusing on your scene, while still cleaning.Wear comfy clothes like a t-shirt and tracksuits. Make sure you don't mind it getting slightly dusty or dirty.Try not to waste too much time changing different CDs or going from album to album. Setting your iPod to shuffle will help you get done faster.If there is a really big mess to clean up, try tackling one corner at a time. If you only focus on one section at a time, it makes a big mess seem easier Just follow all the steps above for one corner, then repeat them for each corner individually.Once you pick something up, do not put it back down until you put it in its proper place.When tackling clothes, have all the hangers you will need already setting out. You may want to organize your drawers or closet as you go along.Whenever you enter your room, make a promise to clean up at least a certain amount of items. You may pick up three pieces of dirty clothing, for example, or five books. This way, your room will become gradually cleaner without the appearance of too much work.Schedule the breaks you will take, and never take a break you didn't schedule, so you won't lose time.When you don't feel like cleaning start with one half of the room then a break then get back to working on the other side but start with the easiest sides.If you love tidying your room, organize your bookshelf from A to Z.Cleaning your room and washing your curtains once a week will help keep it tidy.Do you have small items that you use frequently, or maybe something that you need immediate access to? Assign a safe spot for these things, such as on a shelf or in a basket, so you don't have to struggle to retrieve something when you need it quickly.If you pick up something like for example, a picture book that you haven't seen in a long time, you might get distracted by the book. If you start looking at the book for a while, you won't want to clean any more. It's a good idea to you keep your mind on cleaning, and nothing else.Don't dump your stuff anywhere when tidying. Put it away in its actual place because otherwise you won't really have cleaned your room. You will have just chucked it anywhere.Make a statement saying you shall keep your room neat and hang it on the wall. This helps you stay motivated about keeping it clean.Make your room what you want, not what others want.When stacking papers, try stapling or paper-clipping them together to keep them from getting lost. You can also rubber band small objects together.Try to find a friend or family member to clean with you. Cleaning is always faster and easier when you're cleaning together.Treat yourself to some brand new bedding (can be bought cheaply in pound shops etc.) - It can make your room look amazingly neat and tidy.If you are dusting your ceiling fan, or any other area that is visibly dusty/dirty, do that before cleaning the floor in case anything lands on the floor. If you don't have static wipes for the dust, simply dampen a paper towel and wipe the dust with the damp towel, that will stop the dust from being thrown in the air.Take a few pictures of your room when it was messy and then when it's really clean. When you are done, compare the before and after. You will see how much work you did and you will feel more motivated to keep your room that way.Make a pile of all the interesting things you find. Going through them will be your reward for when you finish.If you have papers, it may be a good idea to separate them into two or three piles: one trash, one scratch, and one important.Try eating 1 M&M per thing you pick up, to make it fun.Try to make your bed first (but not with clean sheets), so if you don't know where to put something, you can set it up there.
Edit WarningsIf you have dust or other air-irritant allergies, take your regular allergy medication just before you start, or wear a dust mask.If you want to clean any surfaces of your room, ask permission and know what you're dealing with. Some cleaning supplies are harmful.
Edit Things You'll NeedGarbage bagsWindow cleaner + paper towels or ragA laundry basket or hamperMusic (optional)Dusting clothComfortable clothesA broom or vacuumLabelsDisinfectant wipes
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Categories: Bedroom Cleaning
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